Thursday, February 17, 2011

Handwashing Technique and Recommendation

Washing hands is a very important part of health hygiene hence it need to be taken care off. There certain procedures that need to be followed while washing your hands.

Handwashing Technique:

• Remove watches, rings, bracelets.
• Open the tap staying away from the pool.
• Take a piece of soap or put the Instant Hand Sanitizer on the palm of DRY HANDS.
• Wet the hands and rub with soap or antiseptic soap solution GENTLY onto the hands and forearms for at least 10 SECONDS. Do not forget clefts.
• Rinse thoroughly and dry with paper towels or cloth towels.
• With the paper towel off the faucet.
• Dispose off paper towel in waste container.

The waste container must have a cover pedal operated so as not to contaminate their hands again to dismiss the soap or paper. Otherwise remain uncovered.

The nails should be kept short, as they are a for the development of germs. The importance of removing, prior to washing hands, rings, bracelets and watches, is that it has been found in bacteria the same, resulting dangerous, especially in areas of intensive care surgery center. The sinks must be kept clean. Avoid splash during hand hygiene to avoid contaminating adjacent areas. It is recommended not to wash diapers, clothes, flat, etc. in sinks. ONLY BE USED FOR WASHING HANDS. Wash with antiseptic soap:

Hands should be washed regularly with soap pieces only be used antiseptic soap solution to invasive procedures (Lumbar puncture, dialysis, aspiration of secretions, catheters, etc.). and before contact with immunocompromised patients. Avoid using soap solutions antiseptic when it is not strictly required, since they are mostly irritating skin condition erode further colonization. We recommend the use of sterile gloves for invasive procedures. A good technique of washing hands with soap into pieces is sufficient if sterile gloves are used, except in the operating room where residual action of antiseptics becomes important hand washing as it lingers long wearing gloves.

When to wash hands:

1. When you start the work.
2. Before contact with any patient. (Especially the most susceptible, immunocompromised, newborns, etc.).
3. Before performing invasive procedures.
4. Before and after touching wounds. (Especially surgical, traumatic or associated with prosthesis).
5. After contact with contaminated materials respiratory secretions, blood, excrement, etc.)..
6. After contact with reservoirs probably contaminated with multidrug-resistant or virulent organisms. Eg bottles aspiration.
7. After contact with patients colonized with multiresistant microorganisms.
8. Among the care of a patient to another. (Especially in intensive care units).
9. Before preparing medications and / or solutions Intravenous or arterial.
10. Before and after using the bathroom personal.
11. After sneezing, coughing, touching the face, hair, etc..

Monday, February 14, 2011

20 Simple Ways to Prevent From Flu

If one can take this following tips on hygiene it will help him take better defend against infection and avoid cold and flu. Here are some of the few small steps that can be followed.
1. Wash your hands often
Research Center of Health U.S. Navy conducted a study of 40,000 recruits who were ordered to wash their hands five times a day. The incidence of respiratory illnesses fell by 45 percent.

2. Wash your hands twice
When researchers at Columbia University looked for germs on volunteers' hands, wash them once discovered that he had a minor effect, even with antibacterial soap. So wash your hands twice, if you want to ward off colds.

3. Avoid using the hand dryer
Some studies have found that a surprising number of people do not wash their hands after using a public restroom. And all touch the doorknob to leave. So after washing your hands using a paper towel to turn off the faucet, one for drying your hands, and more to open the door by creating a barrier between the door and you.

4. Bring disinfectant
Colds are not transmitted by coughing or kissing as someone, like hand-hand contact or hand-object, as most viruses can live for hours on objects. If after you put your hand in the mouth, nose, or near, ready! You're sick. Bring disinfectant wipes and wipe your hands at any time. Work. A study of absenteeism in schools, found that those who used hand sanitizer had absentee rates from infection 20% less.

5. Prevention is the key: get vaccinated against flu each year
The best strategy is preventive flu vaccine every year. The National Board of Health and Medical Research in Australia, says the vaccine is especially important for those at risk for complications from flu, including healthcare workers, people with chronic diseases like diabetes, asthma, kidney or heart problems those aged 65 years and pregnant women. Those with weakened immune systems from diseases or medications should also consult your doctor about the vaccine.

6. Stop blaming yourself when things go wrong
Believe it or not, do you blame more likely to catch cold! Researchers found that even those who were in control at work were more likely to begin sneezing if they lacked confidence or tended to blame when something went wrong. These attitudes cause people are more stressed and stress can affect the immune system.

7. Put a box of tissues where people
Buy several boxes of tissues and place them at strategic points in the home, office and car. You need handkerchiefs available for those who cough, sneeze or blow your nose, then the less risky way to spread germs.

8. Use a humidifier
Dry air creates the ideal environment for cold viruses, which is why colds are more common in winter. And when it dries mucous membranes, nose and throat tend to chafe. Use a humidifier for rooms, but be sure to change the water daily and clean often.

9. Use your knuckle to clean your eyes
It is less likely to be contaminated with a virus, unlike the fingertip. This is especially important because the eye is a perfect entry for germs, and most people clean the eyes or nose or scratches his face 20 to 50 times a day.

10. Change your toothbrush every three months
We believe that brush our teeth clean, and it is. But after using it can become a breeding ground for germs. Most dentists recommend changing it every two or three months. Also good replacement after a cold or flu to prevent reinfection.

11. Take a garlic supplement every day
When 146 volunteers received a daily garlic supplement or a placebo for 12 weeks in winter, who took the garlic not only reduced the probability of catching a cold, but recovered more quickly to have it.

12. Move
Cycling gives dance lessons, go for a walk. A 2006 study found that older women who did 45 minutes of moderate exercise five times a week for a year, were three times less likely to catch cold when compared with sedentary women. The researchers found that immunity active women was much higher in the last three months of the study.

13. Meditate
Once a day, sit in a quiet room with dim lighting, close your eyes and focus on one word. Is proven to reduce stress. And, according to studies, stress increases the susceptibility to colds. In fact, stressed people have up to twice as colds than non-stressed.

14. Eat yogurt daily
One study found that those taking a yogurt-of-living cultures or pasteurized, get fewer colds than those who do not. Start eating yogurt in the summer, to strengthen your immune system before the onset of the flu.

15. In winter, leaves a bit to open the windows of your house
Not all, only one or two rooms where you spend more time. This is very important if you live in a house heating. A little fresh air does wonders to ward off germs.

16. Wipe your nails well below every night
They are an excellent hiding place for germs.

17. Change or wash your hand towels every three or four days in cold season
Use hot water to kill germs.

18. At the first sign of a cold, do the following preventive measures:
Chupa a zinc gluconate lozenge until it dissolves. Rusty still more for several hours.
Take echinacea. Research shows that can halve the risk of a cold.
Prepare chicken broth.
Asa a garlic in the oven (spray the whole cloves with olive oil, wrap in aluminum foil and broil for 1 hour at 200 ยบ C), Rub it on toast and eat it.
According to studies, any of these actions reduces the duration of a cold or help prevent its development.

19. Do not press your doctor to give you antibiotics
Colds and flu (and most of the infections) are caused by viruses, which means that antibiotics, designed to kill bacteria, they do nothing. However, they may eliminate positive bacteria that are part of our defenses. If you have recently taken many antibiotics, consider a probiotic treatment: replacement troops for friendly bacteria.

20. Sneeze and cough into your arm or a tissue
Who taught us to cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze, you're wrong. This just makes the germs go straight to the hands, with which we can spread it to others and objects. Best Place the elbow over your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, if you do not have a tissue.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


For generations, handwashing with soap and water has been considered as part of personal hygiene. The concept of hand hygiene emerged in the nineteenth century when in 1822 a French pharmacist demonstrated that chlorine was eradicated all the odors associated with bodies. In 1843, an American physician Oliver Wendell Holmes concluded that puerperal fever was transmitted from patient to patient by doctors and nurses who attended, later Ignaz Semmelweis Phillip health practice imposed as washing hands before and after care of patients and managed to reduce fever puerperal significantly, creating a big impact by demonstrating the importance of hand washing in preventing disease transmission, was the first to prove scientifically the importance of washing hands with antiseptic.

In 1878, Louis Pasteur introduced his report "Germ Theory and its application in medicine and surgery" over the years scientists continued to identify bacteria and their relationship to disease. Decades later in 1961 the Public Health Service of the United States, produces a film with tips and techniques for hand washing recommended for health workers, with common sense Maimonides characteristic, with the logic of Holmes and Science Semmelweis, hand washing practices will be followed religiously by any person responsible for caring for the sick.


In accordance with FDA specifications substances are used as anti-microbial agents are:
1. Alcohols & Glycerine : Most alcohol-based solutions used isoprophanol, ethanol, n-propanol or combinations of two products in concentrations of 65 to 90%. Start time has faster action, not used to remove dirt.It is normally used in hand sanitizer.
2. Chlorhexidine: chlorhexidine gluconate preparations in concentrations of 0.5 to 1.0%. It has a start-up period through action and long residual effect, Six (6) hours. Is inhibited by non ionic surfactants, inorganic and organic anions.
3. Clorhoxylenol : phenolic substance halogen substitute its effectiveness is good but its greatest strength is in its low absorption through the skin. Its concentration should be between 0.3 and 3.75%.
4. Iodine : It is recognized as an excellent antiseptic but can cause irritation of the skin. Iodine solutions are presented as an alternative but requires a concentration of 8% in soaps and 10% in disinfecting solutions.
5. Triclosan : non-ionic substance to be integrated into soaps in concentrations of 0.2 to 2% acts as an antimicrobial.

Hand washing is the most simple, economical and important procedure for preventing hospital infections (NI), saving up to 50% of nosocomial infections, when the procedure is performed properly by all staff.

Clinical Wash:
Remove dirt, organic material and reduce the concentration of bacteria or transient flora, acquired by recent contact with patients.

Sanitation is a complementary procedure for the proper aseptic hand, if you have already removed all visible dirt, not recommended for exposure to secretions, excretions and body fluids.Destroy microorganisms in transient bacterial flora, recently acquired by direct contact with patients, family members. As long as your hands are clean and without contamination with organic material.

Surgical scrub.
Decrease the concentration of bacteria of the resident flora and transient flora completely remove acquired by recent contact with patients.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hand Sanitizers

Hand Sanitizers

The alert raised by the flu has become fashionable products for cleaning and disinfecting hands, even water. Not necessary to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water is the best prevention. And disinfectants are only useful if your alcohol content is high.

The spread of influenza A cause for concern. Taking this concern, they begin to proliferate sanitizing products or sanitizers. Should we use them?

Best wash with soap and water

Despite its claimed advantages, disinfectants are not necessary if they wash their hands following WHO recommendations.

* Wash hands with soap and water often.
* Do this for at least 15 seconds.
* Pat dry with paper towel.

Only if you have access to a sink, can be a solution to use a sanitizing product or sanitizer.
Sanitizing gels: efficient if they exceed the 60% alcohol

In stores you can find two types:

* Cosmetics, whose function is to clean and perfume.
* Biocides, which have been shown to kill microbes and carry a registration number on the label.

Sea of whatever kind, a disinfectant is effective only if its alcohol content is above 60%: WHO advises up to 80%, and clarifies that the gels are less effective than liquids.]

Other disinfectants

In addition to gels or liquids in the market you can find other cleaning products.

* Wipes. Are a less effective than washing with soap and water. In addition, another point against them is their high environmental impact.
* Chlorine disinfectants. These products clean hands, but not necessarily the virus.
* Antibacterial soaps. Effective to kill bacteria (note, not necessarily kill the virus), but their use is essential, and resort to them may eventually enhance bacterial resistance.